
Copy and paste polymath program
Copy and paste polymath program

copy and paste polymath program

Not confined to the elite, but rather a cultural movement aimed to evoke the best in human beings, the Renaissance Humanism focused on building citizens as people who were eloquent with a diversity of skills, like writing, speech, art, poetry, and philosophy, thus making them capable citizens to engage within communities and persuading others to follow the path of total excellence.

copy and paste polymath program


The concept of Roman Humanitas was created to define the code of conduct of being a Roman, which highly corresponded to the Greek theories of philanthrôpía – meaning loving what makes us human and paideia – meaning education.Ĭontroversial statements for those times such as “ Man is the measure of all things” by Greek philosopher Protagoras along with the thought of creating a world where the citizens were a combined excellence of their “mind, body and soul” was the basis of Renaissance Humanism. Humanism is a word derived from the concept of Roman Humanitas– a Latin term meaning human nature, civilization, and kindness, often has its roots in enlightenment. Often considered as the transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity in European history, the Rennaissance period based its movement on the intellectual principles of humanism. The Rennaissance period that spread across Europe during the 14th, 15th, and 16th century is considered the birthplace of polymaths. While sticking to one thing has its charm, why then more and more people are choosing to diversify their capabilities today and be a polymath themselves? To understand, let us learn where the idea of polymath first initiated in human history.


To spread this message, I have started a weekly series on "Polymaths" for. To be more, to do more than what we already are. It became important for me to share my experiences and reinstate the fact that having multiple capabilities is indeed the way to unlock many parts of your self, and eventually, the world that would not have been possible if we did not have the courage to experiment the new. I have today, with all these experiences, encompassed a much fuller life, which is instead leading me in directions of my deepest desires and aiding in fulfillment of my lifelong dreams. From riding 5000 kilometers across India to walking 1000km from France to Spain. From leading a hospitality business for a Michelin star chef in Beijing to securing a government fund for my tech start-up while on vacation. From trading million-dollar diamonds across Asia & Middle East to negotiating how manufacturing plants can implement robotic technology when at sea to reduce spillovers.

copy and paste polymath program

From failing at running a wine manufacturing unit at 19 to successfully founding global intellectual properties in music, wine, hospitality, festivals. I can say today that I´ve done all of the above except butchering a hog, however, in my earlier career years my multiskilled capabilities were often misinterpreted by the traditionalist white collars as "Jack of All, Master of None" or "too qualified" or "you have so many skills, where do we fit you in one" or "what is your specialization?" Still, over the last 13 years of my career, I have learned an additional "excess of skills". Specialization is for insects," once said Robert A. "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.

Copy and paste polymath program